Saturday, December 6, 2014


Recently I've been trying to understand what people think and where they're coming from.

I am a liberal. A strong one? I don't know, I haven't lived that much and I'm not sure exactly what I am. Being from Montana, I see a lot of conservative posts on my Facebook wall and every so often I click on it to try to glimpse into their minds. It's weird.

No matter how hard I try, I can't understand why conservative websites (probably liberal too, I just don't see as many of those around) like to say things like "This will make liberal heads EXPLODE." One post isn't going to change my mind about all of my beliefs, and just like you can poke holes in my beliefs, I can poke holes in yours.

So I've made an effort to understand. I just finished Jesus Camp, a documentary about Evangelicals living in the US and how they teach their children to follow Christ and obey God and what He thinks is right. I really like the idea of religion. I like that all of these kids and adults have a loving relationship with a greater being and they always feel secure. But I don't know if you can really believe in this as a child.

These kids are right around 10, a lot younger, and they're protesting abortion with their parents in Washington D.C. Way to have a strong political start.

Adults in the church are teaching kids that abortion takes lives away, lives that God had planned out (but if God had a plan, wouldn't he have planned the abortion?). But they don't tell the kids that making abortions illegal doesn't stop abortions from happening and just makes them more dangerous. They don't tell the kids that some of those babies would have terrible lives living in an orphanage or in a big family with too many mouths. They don't tell the kids that sometimes the mother's wellbeing requires an abortion.

I don't know. I think that people should have the choice to do what they want with their own bodies. And telling kids what to do with theirs is not right. They've barely been in this world. They're not faced with sin. They don't know how great some of that sin can be, and they won't live healthy lives.

It's interesting looking at things from other standpoints. It hasn't changed my mind a whole lot, but I know that we need to see those with different opinions as human so they can see us as human so we can have thoughtful discussions about them and try to make this a better world. We need that for all of us.